Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Library + Your Classroom = A Perfect Match!

Teachers of Morgan County, the library wants to help you and your classes!  Many of you know that you can send your students here to find information for school projects or books to read, but did you know that we can do much more than that?  I can break down our special school services into two categories: We Come to You and You Come to Us.

We Come to You
-Storytime- We can come to your classroom for Storytime.  We currently provide this service for two Kindergarten classes and three fifth grade classes.  The program lasts around 30 minutes and we can tailor our reading selections to what you're going over in class.

-Book Talks- Book Talks are commercials for books!  We come in and tell your students about different books and why they should read them.  This is a super quick program that can be done in 15 minutes.

-Special Collections- Have a special project coming up?  The library can work with you to put together a collection of books on a special topic and deliver them to your class.  The collections will check out to your library card for three weeks.

You Come to Us
-Storytime and Check-Out- We can set up a time for your class to come to the library for a story and to check out books.  There are three classes who come to the library for this program and we love having them!  Please note, children will need to have their own library card in order to check out books.   

-Field Trip- Bring your class for a tour of the library and a chat about all the cool things going on at the library!  This is a very popular program with many preschool classes, but we even have fifth graders come for their own tour.

Ready to schedule a visit?  Have questions or other ideas on how we can work together?  Please contact me at alyssam@mail.morg.lib.in.us or at 765-342-3451 ex16.

Looking forward to working with you,

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