Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Where's Spring?

     Are you as ready for spring as I am? I am ready for warm weather and NO MORE SNOW!
I know that once we have a few days of warm weather I will be getting "dirt fever". I will be wanting to dig in my flower beds and plant some early garden such as radishes, green onions, spinach, and early peas. I am a farmer at heart as freshly turned soil smells wonderful to me.
     If you have never planted a garden or don't have enough space we have some great books at the library about container gardening and gardening in general. We even have some on how to garden from your patio or deck. There are also some great books on flower gardening if you don't do vegetables..
    My mother was an old school gardener. When I was a child everything we did in the garden centered around The Old Farmer's Almanac. We had to plant our root vegetables in the dark of the moon, and above ground vegetables during the light of the moon. Potatoes, at least one hill, were to be planted on St. Patrick's Day. That one I never really understood as we were not Irish. Those almanacs are filled with varied types information. My dad always tried to go fishing when the almanac said fishing was the best. So even if you don't garden they are worth the time to look through.
    As March has come in like a lion, I am really hoping it does go out like a lamb. Bring on SPRING!

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