Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Thinking About Summer

As I contemplate summer there are a number of things I would like to accomplish.  And guess what?  The library is the perfect place to help me plan my summer.  Books and other items in the library can help you plan yours, too. 

First up is a trip to Pigeon Forge, TN.  I have already placed a specific book on hold through Evergreen and received a Fodor's travel guide about that part of our great nation.  Other books about interesting destinations in Indiana and beyond can be found in the library. (914 - 919.931)

Until the upcoming trip, I find that my home could stand a lot more organization.  So once again to the shelves of our wonderful library to find books filled with ideas. (640 and/or 648.8)

But all work and no play will make the summer rather unpleasant so for a little entertainment, I need only go as far as the DVD room directly behind the main desk.  There's also a wonderful collection of children's movies in the children's area.  I watch my e-mail for the library's Wowbrary newsletter for the latest videos.  From there I can place a hold on the newest movies.  If we have your e-mail address, you should be getting Wowbrary, too.  If not, don't hesitate to come in and have us update your library record to include your e-mail address.

Being a couch potato all summer wouldn't be such a good idea, so I need to get up and get moving.  Of course, we have exercise DVDs, but there are also many wonderful books about various sports activities.  Books about sports can be found in the 790s.  It's a great place to browse for inspiration to get you up and active.  Another great form of exercise is gardening and those books can be found in the 635s.

While exercise is great, eating right most of the time would be a good idea as well.  Books about special diets can be found starting with 613.25.  However, I don't plan to overlook the cookbooks in the 641.5 and beyond section.  Sometimes these cookbooks are written to go along with a specific diet. 

Two of my favorite things to do are making things (arts and crafts) and playing games.  This summer is sure to offer lots of time for those endeavors.  Once again the 700s are the place to visit in the library.  Arts and crafts start at 745.5 and continue on through 746.9.  For more fun, books about games start at 790 and continue through 790.9. 

Last but certainly not least on my list of things to do this summer is to just read for pleasure.  While I'm choosing some pleasure reading, I can sign up for the adult summer reading game starting on June 1st.  I hope you will, too.  And if you are interested in any of the types of books mentioned in this blog and can't seem to find them, just ask.  We're all here to help you find those books you wish to read.

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